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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Critical Review Determination Of Accounting Standards Accounting Essay
Basic Review Determination Of Accounting Standards Accounting Essay Ross L. Watts and Jerold L. Zimmerman investigate factors that persuade organizations in campaigning on bookkeeping principles and inspect whether their conclusion on specific gauges are related with their size. They use information from the organizations which submit remarks to the FASBs Discussion Memorandum on General Price Level Adjustment. The exact proof backings the contention that the organizations will in general pick bookkeeping principles which report lower income because of political and administrative contemplations. Their discoveries additionally affirm that large firms are bound to be exposed to legislative obstruction. Be that as it may, the paper probably won't be founded on solid hypothetical establishments. In addition, a few suppositions utilized in the paper could diminish the outer legitimacy of the examination. I. Presentation Ross L. Watts and Jerold L. Zimmerman have composed a noteworthy paper in bookkeeping research which endeavor to give positive hypothesis about variables impacting organizations in campaigning on bookkeeping norms. The paper likewise examine the inquiry whether the size of the organizations influence their conclusion on specific guidelines. This paper is significant in light of the fact that it makes commitment to the positive bookkeeping hypothesis improvement. It may be the principal paper which endeavor to give exact proof on positive bookkeeping hypothesis about variables impacting the board disposition on certain bookkeeping gauges. The information and the issues talked about were new in that period. It adds to a writing that has revealed exact regularities in bookkeeping practice (Holthausen and Leftwich, 1983 and Watts and Zimmerman, 1986 as talked about in Watts and Zimmerman, 1990 p 131). The writing has been creating since the distribution of this paper in 1978 (Watts and Z immerman, 1990 p 132). However, the paper likewise brought impressive discussion among specialists. This article expects give basic survey and features some significant focuses from the paper by looking into in four fundamental zones: (I) research worldview, (ii) hypothetical system, (iii) approach, and (iv) research discoveries. The accompanying segment examines about exploration worldview utilized in the paper. The following segment investigates reactions on the hypothetical system of the exploration. Area four audits the philosophy utilized in the exploration. Area five looks at significant finding from this paper. At long last, the last area presents some decision about the paper. II. Exploration Paradigm The scientists examined an intriguing subject with regards to bookkeeping hypothesis. They use positivism worldview in the examination. This worldview gets numerous reactions when it is utilized in the sociology research. As indicated by Collis and Hussey (2009), positivism is censured dependent on five primary contentions. Initially, it is difficult to isolate individuals from the social setting in which they exist. Second, individuals can't be comprehended without looking at the discernments they have of their own exercises. Third, an exceptionally organized exploration configuration forces obliges on the outcomes and may overlook other significant discoveries. Fourth, scientists are not emotional, however part of what they watch. They carry their own advantages and qualities to the exploration. Fifth, catching complex marvels in a solitary measure is misleading(Collis and Hussey, 2009, p. 56). Moreover, Sterling (1990, p. 98) contended that Instead of attempting to decide how to i mprove the current situation with bookkeeping we are advised to attempt to decide the current situation with bookkeeping. Be that as it may, Watts and Zimmerman contended that they received the mark positive from financial matters where it was utilized to recognize research focused on clarification and expectation from research whose goal was remedy (Watts and Zimmerman, 1990, p.148). Thusly, the proof created from investigates utilizing this worldview will improve the advancement of bookkeeping hypothesis by giving clarifications and expectations to regularizing research. Besides, positivism as one of worldview in research is utilized for some investigates in sociology today (Collis and Hussy, 2009). This worldview is supported by the conviction that the truth is free of us and the objective is the revelation of speculations, in light of experimental examination (Collis and Hussy, 2009). III. Hypothetical Framework The paper begins with the conversation about variables deciding administration perspectives toward budgetary bookkeeping principles. The conversation dependent on two suspicions. In the first place, people act to augment their own utility(Watts and Zimmerman, 1978, p.113). This suspicion implies that administration mentalities on certain bookkeeping principles depend on its enthusiasm to augment its own utility. Second, administrations utility is a positive capacity of the normal remuneration later on periods (or riches) and a negative capacity of the scattering of future pay (or riches) (Watts and Zimmerman, 1978, p.114). The normal types of remuneration for the board that are utilized in this examination are motivation pay and offer cost increment. The conversation at that point proceeds with the portrayal of components influencing the board riches. Those elements are charges, guideline, political costs, data creation expenses, and the board remuneration plans. Each factor gives distinctive effect in transit the executives picks bookkeeping guidelines. The analysts contend that administration will in general pick bookkeeping norms which report lower income (in this way expanding sources of income, firm worth and their government assistance) because of duty, political, and administrative contemplations than to pick bookkeeping standard which report higher profit and, along these lines, increment their impetus compensation(Watts and Zimmerman, 1978, p.118). They additionally contend that this expectation rely upon the political weight on the organizations and whether they are managed or not. Another thought that administration ought to consider is the expense of data creation as a result of the usage of new norms. In view of the blend of components influencing the board riches, they made two models that portray two potential conditions. The main model portrays the condition when the adjustment in bookkeeping guidelines will diminish the income of the organizations and the subsequent model delineates the condition when the profit are increment. To put it plainly, the hypothesis articulates that there are three potential mentalities of the organizations when the adjustment in bookkeeping norms diminishes their profit: submit ideal supposition, submit negative sentiment, or do no submit assessment. Then again, just two potential perspectives of the organizations if the adjustment in bookkeeping norms builds their profit: submit horrible feeling or do no submit sentiment. The decision taken by the organizations relies upon the size of the organizations. One of the significant focuses clarified in the paper is that the scientists overlook a few factors in building up the hypothesis. Two of them are portrayed in their paper. To begin with, they understood that, by and large, the elements impacting the guideline cost of service organizations isn't just overall gain yet in addition working profit. Second, they overlook political affectability of the organizations business on the grounds that there is no basic hypothesis to talk about this factor around then. The speculations utilized on this exploration got numerous reactions. It needs confirmation and replication (Holthausen and Leftwitch, 1983 p. 100). The scientists ought to have the option to comprehend and clarified it a long time before directing their exploration (Christenson, 1983 p. 20). Hines (1988 p. 661) proposed explaining whether their hypotheses were all inclusive or probabilistic, and if the last mentioned, clarified on what calculated grounds they ought to be held to be so. In this manner, it is smarter to test the speculations first utilizing another theory before breaking down information utilizing the hypotheses (Hines. 1988 p. 661). Be that as it may, Watts and Zimmerman contend that in spite of the fact that the reactions are applicable, those reactions set nonsensical interest on study (Watts and Zimmerman, 1990, p.149). Furthermore, their hypotheses give hypothetical premise to different investigates in bookkeeping. For example, Milne (2002, p.371) contended the hypotheses give the expressed hypothetical premise to various social exposure contemplates. In addition, this paper was presumably the main paper which predicts corporate campaigning conduct as an element of firm-explicit variables' (Holthausen and Leftwitch, 1983 p. 95). Another significant point in the paper is that the analysts just spotlight on investors, leasers, and government in clarifying a few variables affecting administration bookkeeping decision. Actually, there are numerous clients of fiscal reports have not talked about altogether in the paper. Those are representative, investigator counsel, provider and exchange loan boss, client, contenders, and the general population. The general population incorporates citizens, buyers and other network and specific vested parties, for example, ideological groups, customer and ecological insurance social orders and provincial weight gatherings. Every client has diverse enthusiasm on the organizations. Subsequently, they may impact the bookkeeping decision. For example, the bookkeeping decision taken by the firm which significantly affects expanding its income will animate representatives to request rewards or even increment in their pay rates. On the other hand, if the bookkeeping decision taken by f irm significantly affects diminishing its profit, it will make representatives stress over their professional stability. At that point, it may expand representative the turnover in the firm. At long last, it would be fascinating if the paper additionally talk about social contrasts between organizations. It could be one significant factor impacting the board bookkeeping decision. Each firm comprises of gatherings of individuals who share their way of life dependent on their top administrations strategies. This culture will likewise decide the firm bookkeeping decision. The connection between bookkeeping esteem and social worth (Alexander et all. (2009) examined research by Gray (1988) in view of Hofstede (1984) classificati
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Imaginative Freedom of Birches :: Robert Frost Birches Essays
Innovative Freedom of Birchesâ Â Â â â In Birches (Mountain Interval, 1916) Frost starts to test the intensity of his redemptive creative mind as it moves from its energetic stage toward the verge of perilous greatness. The development into amazing quality is a development into a domain of radical inventive opportunity where (since reclamation has succeeded excessively well) all prospects of commitment with the basic real factors of experience are broken up. In its balance, a redemptive cognizance inspires joining between selves as we have found in The Generations of Men, or in any number of Frost's adoration sonnets. Be that as it may, in its outrageous structures, redemptive cognizance can become foolish as it presses the creative man into most profound segregation. Birches starts by summoning its center picture against the foundation of a hazily lush scene: At the point when I see birches curve to left and right Over the lines of straighter darker trees, I like to think some kid's been swinging them. Yet, swinging doesn't twist them down to remain As ice storms do. The flexible, pliant nature of the birch tree catches the writer's consideration and commences his reflection. Maybe little youngsters don't twist birches down to remain, yet swing them they do and in this way twist them immediately. Those straighter, darker trees, like the trees of Into My Own that barely show the breeze, stand forebodingly liberated from human control, threatening in their inertness to demonstrations of the will. The pliability of the birches isn't complete, be that as it may, and the artist is compelled to concede this reality into the nearness of his longing, similar to it or not. A definitive state of develop birch trees is crafted by target regular power, not human movement. However in the wake of yielding the limits of creative mind's emotional world, the artist appears not to have contracted himself yet to have been discharged. Â â â Often you more likely than not seen them Stacked with ice a radiant winter morning After a downpour. They click upon themselves As the breeze rises, and turn kaleidoscopic As the mix splits and rages their lacquer. Before long the sun's glow makes them shed precious stone shells Breaking and avalanching on the snow outside layer - Such stores of split glass to clear away You'd think the inward arch of paradise had fallen. Entranced as he is by the demonstration of perfection before him, and appreciating as be is of nature as it plays out the potter's specialty, splitting and crazing the polish of ice covering on the birch trees, it isn't at long last the thing itself (the ice-covered trees) that intrigues the artist yet the unusual affiliation be is enticed to make: You'd think the internal arch of paradise had fallen.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Buy Illustration Essay Get Great Experts to Do Your Writing
Buy Illustration Essay Get Great Experts to Do Your Writing Buy Illustration Essay Online Home›Buy Illustration Essay OnlineDefinition of an Illustration EssayBefore getting any further, let us clarify the following, “What is an illustration essay?†This type of essay can be described as a paper designed for providing expressive descriptive examples for the arguments listed by the author.If you analyze an illustrative essay example, you will see that it strives to give as many examples as possible in order to prove the key points expressed in the paper. In other words, instead of a discussion and various forms of convincing the readers, an illustrative essay uses evidence from different sources in order to support the main arguments. Just like any other type of essay, this one is supposed to have an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introductory part of an illustration essay presents the thesis statement, the key idea that the whole paper will attempt to prove. The body mentions the main theses related to the main statement and p rovides numerous examples that support it. The conclusion summarizes the information and rephrases the thesis statement again.Buy Illustration Essay: Assistance from a Reliable Company
Saturday, May 23, 2020
From Silence to Voice, a Book Report Essay - 1671 Words
From Silence to Voice, a Book Report Michael Hager, RN, NREMT-P Nevada State College NU 408 Transitions in Professional Nursing Linda Jacobson, MSN, RN, PHN, COI Abstract Bernice Buresh and Suzanne Gordon have written a sentinel work for nursing that addresses the misrepresentation or absence of nursing in the media and the public consciousness. This book is more than a call to arms for nurse activism. From Silence to Voice is an instructional aid for shaping dialogue to disseminate an effective message. With the current state of healthcare, nursing needs this manual more than ever to shape the direction of nursing policy and perception. Keywords: nursing, media, healthcare policy, public opinion, communication in†¦show more content†¦As mentioned, relevancy and catchy headlines are a reporters priorities. The Las Vegas Sun has made a habit of attacking healthcare in Las Vegas, Nevada with little attention to the professional challenges of nurses. The ongoing â€Å"expose†entitled, â€Å"Do No Harm: Hospital Care in Las Vegas†often portrays nurses as non-caring and negligent tools of doctors. One article speaks to the reasons why nurses quit nursing in Nevada but this is never correlated to the horror stories attributed to nursing care in subsequent articles. There is no nursing â€Å"voice†in this long running expose. This is probably as much the fault of as an unwilling and overworked staff nurse population as it is a disinterested media. My letter to this editor would be an appeal: Dear Mr Editor, I would like to give you some insight as to the daily operation of a major Emergency Department in this city. Not unlike many other â€Å"ER’s†the nursing staff is tasked with the triage or assessment of patients in order to sort by priority. The nurse is then tasked with maintaining flow of the department and ensuring the timely care and physician evaluation of patients. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
The Salem Witch Trials For Women With English Puritan...
1692. The year of ill children, women fits of convulsion, and hallucinations. The year also consisted of swimming tests and prayer tests for women with English Puritan backgrounds. The Salem witch trials occurred in Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. More than 300 people were accused of practicing witchcraft (the Devil s magic). 20 woman were executed. Before all of this happened, life in Salem was like any normal day. Women and children had expectations as well as men did, you did not disobey God nor go against him, or act out of character. Life in the 1690’s was more of a man’s world and which always gave them the upper hand. Women were always looked down upon which gave men greater power. Unlike God’s followers (men), women were considered evil worshipers of the devil. During the trials, men proved that they really did have the upper hand. In the winter of 1628-1629 Massachusetts was a dark and reveling place. Puritans colonized Salem in 1628. It was the beginning of Massachusetts Bay Colonies. Salem was being considered as the largest trial American history has seen (Hoffer), a place of devil worship and deception. Many English protestants, also known as Puritans were being accused of witchcraft and worshiping the devil. Witchcraft was known as giving the devil permission to go into that person’s body, take their shape and go around harming other people. As hysteria spread, more women were hearing of this matter, a witch-hunt began in the village of Salem.Show MoreRelatedSalem Witch Trials Essay1478 Words  | 6 Pagesmajor event in history in the town of Salem, Massachusetts. The Salem Witchcraft Trials still leaves this country with so many questions as to what happened in that small town. With all the documentation and accounts of the story, people are still wondering why 19 people died as a result of these trials. This paper will discuss the events leading up to the Salem Witch Trials and the events that took place during and after the trials, and the men and women who were killed or spent the remainderRead MoreReasons Behind The Salem Witch Trials1568 Words  | 7 Pages30, 1017 Reasons behind the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 The Salem Witch Trials were a series of trials in the 1690s which accused society members of practicing witchcraft, they took place in Salem, Massachusets. What caused this mass hysteria to occur? Some contributing factors could include some socio-economic reasons, an overbearing Puritan society and the influential sense that witchcraft was taking place all over the world. Massachusetts was settled by English puritans, faithful Anglican peopleRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials Essay1349 Words  | 6 PagesBefore 1692, the supernatural was a part of people’s everyday normal life. This is so as people strongly believed that Satan was present and active on earth. 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Both works focused on the behaviors of the towns Salem and Northampton during their witch trials, where the civilians displayed extreme behavior driven byRead MoreSimilarities Between The Crucible And Half-Hanged Mary1154 Words  | 5 PagesMob Mentality in Puritan Era-Based Literature How many times has an action by one person influenced crowds of people to follow? This scenario has taken place numerous times throughout history. This psychological occurrence is known as â€Å"mob mentality†: when a group of people is influenced by a person’s actions to change their behavior and think as a group. During the time period that The Crucible by Arthur Miller and â€Å"Half-Hanged Mary†by Margaret Atwood took place, the people worked together to dealRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials Are An Outstanding Example Of A Dysfunction1233 Words  | 5 PagesThe Salem witch trials are an outstanding example of a dysfunction in a â€Å"perfect†society. Tituba as part of that society helps us understand the simplicity of a complex shaped idea. Notwithstanding that Tituba is considered irrelevant during the Salem trials, nevertheless Tituba exposes European perceptions of Native Americans as a basis for cultural superiority and oppression, since Tituba is an indisputable symbol of injustice, slavery, racism, as well as the defamation of her culture. The decisionsRead MoreMoral Instruction in the Crucible1599 Words  | 7 PagesSydney Levy IB Candidate #000536-XXX HL English: World Literature Assignment 21 May 2013 Moral Instruction in The Crucible The world-famous and highly influential play, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, was written in an effort to make the public aware of one of the most awful chapters in history, and the goal of the author was to use the characters and events as a vehicle to communicate the moral lessons that should be learned from these examples of flawed human behavior. Various themes and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Multiple Sclerosis and Living Life Free Essays
|Multiple Sclerosis and Living Life. | |[Type the document subtitle] | | | |Multiple sclerosis can be debilitating, however there are things that can be done to | |limit the amount of attacks a person may have. | | |Le’Sha Hairston | |10/10/2012 | | | Multiple Sclerosis and Living Life Le’Sha Hairston University Composition and Communication ll COM/156 Trista McCombs Multiple sclerosis and Living Life As a person with the disease! Knowing the effects first hand, Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease. We will write a custom essay sample on Multiple Sclerosis and Living Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now With MS, the body’s white blood cells attack tissues called myelin. Changes to your diet and life style can help slow down the effects of multiple sclerosis. Some days will be better than others, but a normal life can be lived with the disease. June 24, 2004 eight years ago I was diagnosed with â€Å"Multiple Sclerosis†. A quote from talk show host, author, actor, and philanthropist â€Å"Montel Williams†, when the neurologist said those words- â€Å"you have (MS)†it hit me like a ton of bricks. â€Å"I thought I was diagnosed with a death sentence†. As a person with the disease! Knowing the effects first hand, Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease. With MS, the body’s white blood cells attack tissues called myelin. Changes to your diet and life style can help slow down the effects of multiple sclerosis. Some days will be better than others, but a normal life can be lived with the disease Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that can be potentially debilitating to a person. Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which one’s immune system begins to attack the body. The white blood cells will attack a tissue in the body called the ‘Myelin’, which is the protective sheath covering of all nerve’s in the human body. By the Myelin being eating away this can and most likely will result in permanent damage to the nerve’s even deterioration, being that there is no reversible process for (MS). There are many different symptoms for a person with Multiple sclerosis; it all depends on the damage and what particular nerves are affected. There is no cure for (MS), and the only way to determine is one has Multiple Sclerosis, is to rule out other diseases. Meaning using the process of elimination to determines one’s status. A person with a severe case of the disease will encounter many problems. Some of these problems are not having the ability to walk, talk, or any mobility at all. Even though there is no cure for the disease, there are strategies to treat an attack such as â€Å"anti-inflammatory medications†. Some of these medications are â€Å"Corticosteroids and Beta interferons†. Corticosteroids consist of different medications that decrease inflammation and help to reduce the symptoms and signs of inflammation. They also â€Å"suppress your immune system, which helps control the conditions in which your body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues†(http://www. mayoclinic. om/health/steroids/HQ01431), in thus case Multiple Sclerosis. Corticosteroids can be taken in many different ways such as: One can take corticosteroids by: †¢ By mouth. Tablets, capsules or syrups help treat the inflammation and pain associated with certain chronic conditions, such as arthritis and lupus. †¢ By inhaler and intranasal spray. These form s help control inflammation associated with asthma and nasal allergies. †¢ Topically. Creams, ointments and roll-ons can help heal many skin conditions. †¢ By injection. This form is used to treat such signs and symptoms as the pain and inflammation of tendinitis. While the six FDA-approved disease-modifying medications that treat multiple sclerosis are often successful in slowing the progression of (MS), like all drugs, they can also produce some side effects. The side effects of (MS) medications can range from mild (flulike symptoms or irritation at an injection site) to more serious (chest pain, an increased risk of heart toxicity, or even acute myelogenous leukemia, a kind of bone marrow cancer. So when taken any medication it should be consulted with your doctor on the best medication for any person to take while dealing with multiple sclerosis. Discussing all side effects will help the doctor know how tolerable you are to the medication. Any bruising, redness, swelling, itching, etc should be reported immediately. All the interferon’s such as Rebif, Avonex, and Betaferon can cause flulike response after an injection. This is managed by gradually starting with smaller does, then working up to full dose. Physical therapy is also another way to treat (MS) attacks, and modify the course of the disease as well as using muscle relaxants. Physical therapies that can be conducted are too help deal with the issues brought on by Multiple Sclerosis such as: Fatigue †¢ Pain †¢ Balance problems †¢ Coordination problems †¢ Weakness †¢ Immobility Physical therapy will help teach new movement techniques also. A healthy diet is something that should also be maintained when someone has Multiple Sclerosis. A person with a chronic illness should consume adequate calories including protein. This will help the bod y provide energy, heal any wounds and fight off any infections. A person with Multiple Sclerosis should maintain their weight, eat foods low in fat and cholesterol, and limit their sugar intake. Salt is something that should be moderate in a (MS) patient’s diet, along with drinking 8-8ounce glasses of water per day to maintain a good urinary track. Anyone with an illness should get plenty of rest, thus keeping the energy up. Anyone with Multiple Sclerosis can have a very fulfilling life. (MS) doesn’t have to determine the amount of fun you have. Yes it can become hard with all the medications and daily stipulations but it’s worth it to maintain life. I know someone who has had the disease since the age 19 years old. They woke up and couldn’t see anything, just flashing lights and a splitting headache. Rushed to the hospital and they couldn’t begin to explain the amount of testing that was done on them to gain a diagnosis. They had to make numerous changes in their life if they wanted t continue to be normal. These changes included not smoking (cigarettes), no alcohol, fatty foods, getting more rest, working less, being on many medications etc: an the list goes on. However, for the sake of their children and their family they were able to pull through. As they explained to me there are days that are great from them than there are days that is extremely hard. But it’s better than not being around at all as they said. There are days when their depression will set in and giving up is the only thing they want to do, doing so would be the easy way out. Fighting it to the end is the decision they made; having a wonderful support system that keeping them motivated to live. Great children and a wonderful husband couldn’t ask for anything more. There’s nothing they can’t do everything is regular with some limitations. Multiple sclerosis is a potentially debilitating disease. However as long as you take your medications, exercise, and maintain a well balanced diet you can live a happy and normal life. It will also limit the amount of attacks a person will have. It doesn’t have to over take your life. Staying positive and having a great support system are strategies to help a person keep the faith and make it through. As a person with the disease! Knowing the effects first hand, Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease. With MS, the body’s white blood cells attack tissues called myelin. Changes to your diet and life style can help slow down the effects of multiple sclerosis. Some days will be better than others, but a normal life can be lived with the disease. References: www. cnn. com www. mslifelines. com www. montelwilliams. com www. apolllolibrary. com www. everydayhealth. com How to cite Multiple Sclerosis and Living Life, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Sustainable Strategic Management Capabilities †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Sustainable Strategic Management Capabilities. Answer: Introduction Every business has a strategy before its commencement. The success of a business depends upon how well its strategy is. Strategy works as a roadmap for an organization. Without it no organization can survive in this competitive market. Now we come to strategic management, strategic management ensures whether the organization is running as per the strategy. Strategic management refers to a plan which helps an organization to achieve its objectives by efficient utilization of available resources and manpower. Strategic management evaluates the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats of the business to use the strengths and opportunities in this way that it will minimizes the weaknesses and threats of the business. Strategic management is a continuous process which includes internal and external environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, evaluation and control. Strategic management firstly make a plan in accordance with the SWOT of the organization, then it executes the plan and then evaluates the actual results to identify whether the actual results match the desired results and if there is any difference in actual and desired results then changes are required to be made in the strategy. A strategy can be formed at three levels i.e. Business unit level, Corporate level and Functional or Departmental level. Strategic management focuses on analyzing the external environment of an organization because without judging the competition level that an organization is going to face, strategy cannot be formed (Godfrey, 2015). In other words, strategic management is known as the mission of an organization. Mission refers to how the organization will achieve its vision or objectives or goals. Strategic management makes sure that the management of the business goes hand in hand with the internal and external forces. Current Standard Linear Approach Under this approach, the managers focus on creation of an effective business strategy and on its proper execution. This approach focuses on making a strategy in such a way that it will lead to achievement of organizational goals. This approach analyses the goal and stresses on making a strategy with all possible ways of achieving that particular goal. In fact, the Linear approach refers to step by step process in which when the first stage completes then only the organization can start working on another stage i.e. the output of first stage is the raw material of second stage. Linear approach is an organized approach (Linear Approach, 2017). The strategy made through this approach is totally in an arranged manner. So because of the organized manner this approach guarantees success to the business. The major shortcoming of this approach is that if there is a delay in the first process then it will delay the whole project because the other stages are dependent on the outcome of first stage. Another disadvantage is that it is very time consuming because if there is any fault in the output of any process them it will also influence the other processes because all the processes are inter-related.and it will not allow the employees to give their opinions. Bridoux and Stoelhorst (2014) observed that stakeholder approach to strategic management emphasizes on importance of making investments in improving relationship of organization with its key stakeholders. According to this approach, the stability of relationship with stakeholders can be achieved through organizations compliance to core principles of values. Stakeholders are the people that exist within the organization and outside the organization. In support of this De Brucker et al. (2013) said that without stakeholders, the existence of a business is impossible. Stakeholders include shareholders, creditors, government, community, customers, suppliers, employees, directors and managers. As per the analysis of stakeholder approach to strategic management, the stakeholder relationship is a readymade component in business; rather it is created by organizational efforts. Shareholders are the people that takes the shares of the company, Creditors provides loan to the company, government passes rules and regulations for the ethical running of the company, community is the place where the company exists, customers are the people that purchases the companys products, suppliers provides the raw material to the company, employees are the workers of the company, directors and managers are the persons who will take care of the whole management of the company. Bur Freeman (2010) pointed out that the only difference is that directors are at top level and managers are at middle level. In this way these all are very important for any company or organization for its survival. Stakeholders are those, who are affected by or can affect the organization. There are two types of stakeholders i.e. one is primary stakeholders that includes those who are connected to the organization officially and the other are secondary stakeholders which are connected with the organization through the society. So every organization is having a corporate social responsibility towards its secondary stakeholders because the organization is taking the natural and human resources from the society so it is the responsibility of every organization to return these resources in the form of manufactured products according to the desires of the consumers keeping in mind that such products are not harmful for the consumers (Carroll and Shabana, 2010). The four types of corporate social responsibility are economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities. Economic responsibility means the company should try to become a good corporate citizen and for this the company must be profitable. For example: If a company faces losses then it will terminate the empl oyees firstly. Legal responsibilities includes that the company should have to follow the policies and procedures given by the laws. Ethical responsibility is the third responsibility of an organization because any organization can think of this responsibility only if it has met the economic and legal responsibilities. Examples of ethical responsibility are: paying fair wages to workers, not harming the environment, not using the natural resources that are banned etc. Pino, et al. (2016) have articulated and observed that Philanthropic responsibility includes doing something better for the society. For example, giving goods to the society at free of cost, doing charity, etc. Philanthropic social responsibility is only adopted by an organization which is highly profitable because such organization can think of donating money and products to the society. This philanthropic responsibility is only done by companies that are having higher profit margins. Example of stakeholder theory: Every automobile company is required to focus on consumer safety. There is a case of Toyota, where the company was hiding the brake pedal fault instead of releasing it. The U.S. agencies put fine of $16 million on Toyota for not releasing the fault then the interested stakeholders made an effort to deal with this problem. Dynamic Capabilities As per the findings of Lin and Wu (2014), the framework of dynamic capabilities in strategic management can help in wealth creation in an organization. It helps the organizations to identify the sources and methods of wealth creation and guides to adopt rapid technological changes for maximization of its wealth. A dynamic capability refers to the ability of an organization to adapt the environmental changes from time to time or to adapt an organizations resource base. Dynamic capabilities include controlling the factors of external and internal environment that affects the business. On the other hand, Peteraf et al. (2013) have commented that the dynamic capability framework suggests that the wealth creation in private sector is highly influenced by companys ability to stay competitive in the market. The competitiveness can be measured in terms of uniqueness of company products, brand image, technological competency etc. Second example is of smart phones where the smart phones compan ies are adding new technological features to their products like Apple launched the censored home button in iphone 7 and vivo is focusing on the camera. In the views of Cordes-Berszinn (2013), the dynamic capability framework emphasizes on three aspects such as the process, the position and the paths. The processes are the routines, pattern of practices and learning. At the same time, position can be measured in the aspects of technology level, IP, customer base, complementary assets and the external relations. At the same time, the paths are the strategic alternatives that can help organization to improve its current business and competitive market position. Companies should focus on resource based perspective while looking to improve their competency level for achieving the competitive business position in market. Sustainable Approach According to De Brucker et al. (2013), the sustainable approach to strategic management directs or guides the management of companies to consider the interest of each stakeholders of company including nature or environment, because sustainability is the key to success. While making strategy, the main focus is to make a strategy that will guarantee sustainability to an organization. Sustainability refers to long-term survival of a business to maintain competitive advantage. Similar to this, Witek-Crabb, (2011) has argued that if an organizations vision is high profits then it will only be possible through sustainability. Sustainability can be affected by three things i.e. the environment in which the organization exists, resources that organization needs presently and in future and whether the organization is beneficial to the economy. Sustainability leads to competitive advantage to an organization. Adobe is an example of company that has adopted the sustainable business practices. T his company aimed to reduce carbon emission by 75% by end of 2015. It emphasized on key practices of usage of renewable energy technologies, virtualization of many of its systems, improving cooling efficiency, usage of hydrogen fuel cells, solar energy equipments etc. The involvement of company in such as practices improves the public image of company. Competitive advantage occurs when a company continuously gives excellent performance over other companies in the same industry. For example, Wal-Mart is a latest example of sustainable competitive advantage. The strategies and detailed distribution channel of Wal-Mart makes it different from its competitors because it is providing goods to the consumers at a lower price than its competitors (Stead, 2014). However, if the company fails to fulfill its responsibility towards environment or society in sustainable manner, then it can invite negative consequences. For example, Coca Cola has faced the legal action in December 2003 due to negative effects of operations on availability of drinking water in a village of Kerala, where company operates its beverage operations (BHRRC, 2017). Such kinds of lawsuits can impose huge legal fines that are harmful for its profitability position. The purpose of this approach is to help you to understand in detail about strategic management. These are th e findings of the report: Viability of Approaches Stakeholders approach avoids the conflicts between different departments of employees of the organization. Stakeholders approach results in the performance measurement of the organization. Boutilier (2011) has asserted that stakeholder approach makes healthy relationships between the organization and the stakeholders. Stakeholders help in managing the risks and to overcome the threats of the organization. Through stakeholders approach, an organization is valuing the opinions of the people working within the organization which motivates the employees and they will contribute towards achieving the goal. Those organizations who are adopting dynamic capabilities approach believe in innovation. Wheelen and Hunger (2010) have indicated that Dynamic capabilities results in valuable, rare, inimitable and non- substitutable business. It helps the organization to create value by altering their resource base. Sustainable approach contributes to effectiveness and efficiency which are the core co mpetencies of every business. Through Sustainability, organizations are able to maintain competitive advantage. High sustainable companies value their employees. In this way, these three approaches help the business to succeed and grow. The major benefit of strategic management is that it helps the organization to identify its opportunities. Strategic management helps the organization to analyze the cost- benefit relationship. Those firma which are using strategic management are more beneficial than firms that are not using strategic management in their operations (Cordes-Berszinn, 2013). Another benefit of strategic management is that it helps in developing team building skills among the employees of the organization. Strategic management helps the organization to take decisions at the time of sudden crises. Strategic management also clears the confusion from the minds of employees regarding their duties. Implementation Issues Implementation is the action plan of strategic management process so it requires full attention. The success and failure of strategy can be judged after this phase. This is the practical version of strategic planning done so far. In this phase, we have to put the plan on paper in action. 90% of firms fail to implement their strategic plans. This is the most important phase so many issues are also related to this phase. The first issue is putting right people to right place because for this the manager needs to identify the skills and potential of each employee. The major issue is the unpredictable future (Godfrey, 2015). Because strategy is made on hypothesis and no one knows what changes can happen in the future. So if any sudden changes occur them it leads to failure of the strategy. These sudden changes includes Technological changes, increase in the cost of raw material, changes in government rules and regulations, conflict among the stakeholders, etc. One more issue is the incre ase in budget if the desired results do not match the actual results then the strategy needs to be revised. Conclusion No doubt strategic management is full of advantages to an organization but there are also some limitations of strategic management. The major limitation of strategic management is it is a very complex process because it involves analysis of critical components like internal and external environment, structure of the organization, economic crises, etc (Cordes-Berszinn, 2013). The factors of external and internal environment are inter-related to each other. So if there are changes in one factor then it will automatically affect the other. For example: if there are economic crises then it in that case the company needs to reduce the number of employees so in this case economic crises is a external factor and the reduction of number of employees is a internal factor (Carroll and Shabana, 2010). In this way the external factor affected the organizations internal factor and the increased employee turnover rate will automatically reduces the productivity of the organization. The next limita tion is that the Strategic management process is very time consuming because it includes five major stages. First is analysis the organizations SWOT, second stage is strategy formulation, third stage is strategy implementation, fourth stage is strategy evaluation and the fifth stage is controlling. References Boutilier, R. (2011) A Stakeholder Approach to Issues Management. USA: Business Expert Press. Carroll, A.B. and Shabana, K.M. (2010) The business case for corporate social responsibility: A review of concepts, research and practice, International journal of management reviews, 12(1), pp. 85-105. Cordes-Berszinn, P. (2013) Dynamic Capabilities: How Organizational Structures Affect Knowledge Processes. USA: Palgrave Macmillan. Freeman, E. (2010) Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. UK: Cambridge University Press. Godfrey, Richard. (2015) Strategic Management: A Critical Introduction. UK: Routledge. Hill, Charles W. L. Schilling, Melissa A. Jones, Gareth R. (2016) Strategic Management: Theory: An Integrated Approach. USA: Cengage Learning. 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